Cherry Clan

A potpourri of articles from a sporadic modeller.

Pathfinder Project

It’s not often that I post to the digressions area, mainly because I try to focus on the modelling but also there is personal aspect to the digressions and by its very definition it’s personal not public. So to get… Continue Reading →

Steel coupling rods – Midland 3F

We all seem to have our own little pet peeves in model making, one of mine is valve gear. Many years ago I was lucky enough to examine a couple of O’Gauge live steam loco’s built by the “Parkers” a… Continue Reading →

M7 Railmotor update.

A progress update for the LNWR M7 Railmotor. Now that I was happy with the shape of the roof for the railmotor it was trimmed to length and soldered on, This required a little care trying to keep the sides… Continue Reading →

Tender body – Midland 3F

With the rolling chassis complete attention was turned to making up the tender body. The main tender body is a resin casting, the original casting supplied in the kit was the wrong one, a small 2500 gallon tender. This was despite the… Continue Reading →

Tender beginnings – Midland 3F

This series of posts is intended to document the build of a Midland 3F loco and tender as supplied by JLTRT. It is another loco that was photographed around Tewkesbury so was is one to add my fleet of locos. The… Continue Reading →

Siphon F – JLTRT bogies

As mentioned previously I wasn’t over happy with the white-metal cast bogies and then I saw a posting online about 9′ American bogies from JLTRT – so I had a look and decided to get a set. Basic Framework The kit… Continue Reading →

St. Winefrides Well

St. Winefrides Well

Atlas Obscura : St. Winefrides Well

Next stop down the line from Holywell Town is St. Winefrides Halt. For a little flavour of the local area the following article has been published on Atlas Obscura about St. Winefrides Well.

Track building commences for Holywell Town.

The track plan for Holywell Town was developed using Templot, I’m still struggling with it as I don’t find it the most intuitive program to use but I sort of got there eventually. With the use of control templates, box files… Continue Reading →

LNWR D33 van batch build

For the next selection from the LNWR wagons I decided to try batch building so from the stack of etches I selected the D33 van, this being the prototype Wagons of the LNWR – Diagram 33 Covered Goods Van. The design… Continue Reading →

Siphon F – Metalmodels kit.

It seemed like a good idea at the time but the Siphon F doesn’t really fit into my region of modelling. However I’d just acquired a Resistance Soldering Unit (RSU) and decided that I’d need an etched brass kit to practice… Continue Reading →

LNWR Special Cattle Wagon

Having just finished the turnouts for Holywell Town I decided to have a small change and go back to wagon building. In a recent 2mmFS Newsletter there was an offer for some new etches for a variety of LNWR wagons,… Continue Reading →

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