Sounds a bit grand doesn’t it calling it a relaunch? It’s more just about getting rid of the old rubbish and starting again. There’s lots of introspective stuff I wrote about the update but having read it back to myself it seemed a bit self indulgent so I deleted it.
Having messed about on and off for about a year or two using ModX to design the new website and making slow progress I stumbled across a WordPress theme called Baskerville which ticked most of the boxes I was after. So over the Summer I had a quick play to see what was possible with WordPress. One of my principle requirements is that I wanted to use the Highslide image resize as it has some great features. Once I got that working it gathered it’s own momentum to the point where I am today – ready to turn off the old website and switch on the new one.There are still a few settings that need to be tweaked but it was in a better state than my old website so I’ve made the switch.
So don’t be fooled by the high post count in July and August, this was entirely due to me copying across content from the old site to this one, normal service will resume in due course. There are still a few new updates to various projects so they should be coming over the next few weeks.
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