Detailing the boiler

Detailing the boiler

The detailing on the boiler required some some 1/16th copper wire, I added the regulator valve, clack valves and pipework, washout plugs etc. The supplied castings are superb and very clean with very little if any fettling required before fitting.

Fitting the boiler and firebox

Fitting the boiler and firebox

Fitting the boiler and firebox

Fitting the boiler and firebox

This is now at the stage to start putting the pieces together. The boiler is located over the end of the firebox and the two are then fitted between the tanks. The boiler has a couple of slots which fit into tabs on the inside of the tanks. A little force is required to snap them into place but the fit once again is perfect. These photos shows the boiler and firebox fitted to the tanks but nothing is actually soldered in. The tabs and slots locates everything quite nicely and the firebox is held tightly against the front spectacle plate of the cab. Three or four dabs of low temperature solder inside the firebox fixes it all firmly together. A couple on for the boiler and a couple on the spectacle plate. With it all being internal meant that there was no cleaning up to do!