Cherry Clan

A potpourri of articles from a sporadic modeller.

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4MT Building the tanks

Now we can get on with building the main tanks for the loco, which starts with the front spectacle plate for the cab. This has another half etched overlay which provides the rivet detail around the top visible part of… Continue Reading →

Midland 10T Brake van.

Having just started out having a go in 2mmFS I decided to start with a small wagon kit. So this a quick photo build of the MR 10T brake van available from the 2mm Scale Association. I had been given… Continue Reading →

Emma Hughes

Emma Hughes playing Bleed at Carfest North 2015. We went to Carfest North and on the Friday I'd thought I'd duck in to see who was playing on the Wigwam stage. Well didn't I strike lucky, this...

Website relaunch.

Sounds a bit grand doesn’t it calling it a relaunch? It’s more just about getting rid of the old rubbish and starting again. There’s lots of introspective stuff I wrote about the update but having read it back to myself… Continue Reading →

4MT Rear bunker

Building the rear bunker. Next in the instructions we move to the rear of the loco to start building up the bunker. We start with making up the rear of the cab with the fitting of the coal doors. The… Continue Reading →

4MT Front footplate

Building the front footplate The next sub-assembly to build is the front footplate unit. We begin with finding all the etched parts for the platework, these form the saddle and the front dummy frames visible above the footplate. The component… Continue Reading →

4MT Boiler

Forming the boiler Whilst cleaning up the multitude of castings for the springs, hangers etc. for the chassis,  I thought I’d make a little progress on the bodywork so I’d get the feeling of getting somewhere. The bodywork initially is… Continue Reading →

4MT Cylinders

Moving on to the cylinders The cylinders are a fairly hefty brass castings, and the rest of the components, cylinder end covers etc are more nice castings. Thin overlays provide the etched detail for the cylinders, which means that the… Continue Reading →

4MT Rear Bogie

The rear bogie again is a mulitude of etchings and castings but it is all clearly covered in the instructions. There are 4 hefty castings for the axleboxes and this may be the only small problem if building the bogie… Continue Reading →

4MT Pony Truck

Building the front pony truck Whilst pondering the arrangement for the suspension I turned to building the front pony truck as another little self contained unit. First task to hand was to separate out all the components required, how many… Continue Reading →

4MT Chassis

After the ashpan the instructions start laying out the frames and the beam compensation. This is one of the small deviations I have made in the kit, preferring to go for sprung compensation in the form of Continuous Springy Beam… Continue Reading →

4MT the ashpan.

The instructions start with building the ashpan. This is a good little introduction to the tab and slot construction method used in the kit. So these are the 10 etchings required for the ashpan, which are fairly easy to assemble…. Continue Reading →

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